Land act of tanzania pdf

The periods of german and british rule were also formative in establishing current land sector rules and challenges, as has been the postindependence period. Requirement of spousal consent and the dispositions in landpdf. The government prepared tanzanias first national land policy in 1995, which led to the enactment of the village land act and the land act in 1999. The land registration act an act to provide for the registration of land and for related matters. Women in tanzania set for equal land rights lets make. Institutional issues and challenges tanzania institutional diagnostic.

Although numerous efforts have been made by the government of tan zania and. Part i preliminary 11 this act may be cited as short title and comthe village land act, 1999. Tanzanias village land act 15 years on the year 2016 marks 15 years since the new wave land reforms became operational in tanzania. Oct 15, 2014 women in tanzania have until now had tenuous rights to the land they rely on to feed their families. The village land act, which took effect in may 2001, was supposed to help rural tanzanians by imposing some order on an otherwise chaotic scene. Enacted by the parliament of the united republic of tanzania. Issn 0856 0331x the united republic of tanzania act supplement no. Court means the court established under section 167 of the land act cap. In this act, unless the context requires otherwise act no. All land in tanzania is public land and remains vested in the president as trustee for and on behalf of all citizens of tanzania. The law gave rural residents usage rights on any land they had occupied peacefully for more than 12 years. The acts provide the legal framework for land rights, recognize customary.

In direct contrast to uganda, where the land act 1998 envisages the establishment of 45 entirely new district land boards and 9,000 parish level land committees, no new land management institutions will need to be established in tanzania. An act to repeal and replace the land acquisition ordinance, to provide for compulsory acquisition of lands for public purposes and in connection with housing schemes enacted by the parliament of the united republic of tanzania. Content, experiences and challenges presentation for ms danish tanzania by emanuel mvula hakiardhidsm. An act to provide for the basic law in relation to land other than the village land.

The first deals with general land, including urban areas and private estates outside the. An analysis of the analyses robin palmer land policy adviser, africa oxfam gb march 1999 introduction on 11 february 1999 the tanzanian parliament passed the land act, 1999 and the village land act, 1999. Mutukula 10 01 s and 310 25 e most southerly point. Pdf tanzanias village land act 15 years on researchgate. Land has played a critical role in tanzanias development. An act to make provision for land in malawi and for all matters incidental or connected thereto. These regulations provide various forms for purposes of the land act and regulations made thereunder. Notwithstanding the centrality of land to tanzanian. Although numerous efforts have been made by the government of tan. The policy argued that procedures for obtaining title to land should be simplified, that land administration should be transparent. It is the intent of the legislature that the licensure requirements that are imposed upon. The law gave rural residents usage rights on any land they had occupied.

Like other reforms in the new wave of land reforms which have taken place in subsaharan africa, tanzanias reform decentralises land administration. Following the tanzania national land policy in 1995, which set out the fundamental principles of land management, tanzania enacted the land act no. Publication date 20 note students are advised to use this casebook alongside the land acts as well as the customary land law of tanzania, a sourcebook by r. These laws are a marked departure from the land ordinance of 1923, yet many villagers and communities still do not have security in their customary land. This act may be cited as the land laws miscellaneous amendments act, 1970. In 1999, tanzania enacted the village land act and the land act which recognize customary tenure and empower village governments to manage village land. Both legislations started to be implemented in may 2001. The land amendment act, 2004 tanzania chamber of commerce. Land reform in tanzania the web site cannot be found. Tanzania landlinks landlinks was created by e3land, a.

Land law we advise on land acquisitions and transfers for corporates and projects, as well as in relation to the legal requirements for compensation for local residents displaced by projects. An act to provide for the management and administration of customary land and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. Pdf the year 2016 marks 15 years since the new wave land reforms became operational in tanzania. An act to provide for the basic law in relation to land other than the village land, the management of land, settlement of disputes and related matters i i.

The lands act a s part i national assembly of zambia. Current land tenure frameworks, issues and conflicts in the country have historical roots dating back to the precolonial period. This act shall apply to tanzania mainland as well as tanzania zanzibar. On 11 february 1999 the tanzanian parliament passed the land act, 1999 and the village. According to prof fimbo the major concern of the policy makers in the land law reforms has been the tensions between on the one hand,freedom to deal with the land in the market and on the other,security of tenure or protection of users and occupiers of land. There shall be a commission to be known as the uganda land commission.

This act may be cited as the land acquisition act, 1967 and shall. Short title this act may be cited as the land act, 2012. Historical background tanzania land tenure system 2. In 1999, the land act, number 4 and the village land act, number 5 were enacted to govern land administration in tanzania. Acquisition of land by foreigners in tanzania lexology. The first deals with general land, including urban areas and private estates outside the customary sector, and is fairly complex. On 11 february 1999 the tanzanian parliament passed the land act, 1999 and the village land act, 1999. Definition of public purpose 1 land shall be deemed to be required for a public purpose where it is. An act to amend the land ordinance and the land law of property and conveyancing ordinance 25th july, 1970 enacted by the parliament of the united republic of tanzania.

This act may be cited as the land transport regulatory authority act, 2019 and shall come into operation on such date as the minister may, by notice published in the gazette, appoint. The land act an act to provide for the basic law in relation to land other than the village land, the management of land, settlement of disputes and related matters. An act of parliament to give effect to article 68 of the constitution, to revise, consolidate and rationalize land laws. Legislative intent requirement for responsible charge at state and local government entities. Requirement of spousal consent and the dispositions in land pdf. Constitution means the constitution of the united republic of tanzania cap. The land act 1999 arrangement of sections title section part i. An act to provide for the administration of land and land tenure in tanzania. The tanzania passports and travel documents act,2002. Women in tanzania set for equal land rights lets make sure.

Though tanzanias land act and village land act both passed in 1999 provide for womens. The village land act, 1999 table of contents section. Any use of the land shall conform to the provisions of the town and country planning act and any other law. Village land which includes all land within the village areas of tanzanias 11,000 villages. Women in tanzania have until now had tenuous rights to the land they rely on to feed their families. Customary land act, 2016 malawi legal information institute. I i enacted by the parliament of the united republic of tanzania.